
What is editing?
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What is editing?

What is editing: Editing is the art of crafting language, where words are carved, rearranged and polished until they shine with clarity and purpose. This is akin to being an architect of meaning, carefully crafting each sentence to create a narrative edifice that captivates, informs, or inspires. In short, editing is the alchemy that transforms … Read more

Who is the founder of Microsoft?
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Who is the founder of Microsoft?

Who is the founder of Microsoft? Microsoft was founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Microsoft is a global technology company that has played a key role in shaping the digital landscape since its founding by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975. What is Microsoft? Microsoft Corporation is an American … Read more

When was the iPad invented?
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When was the iPad invented?

When was the iPad invented: The iPad was first introduced by Apple on January 27, 2010. Apple Inc. The late Steve Jobs, then CEO of Apple Inc., unveiled the original iPad during a keynote presentation. The device was revolutionary as it bridged the gap between smartphones and laptops, offering a large touch screen interface for … Read more

Which is better iPhone 13 or 14?
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Which is better iPhone 13 or 14?

Which is better iPhone 13 or 14: New models improve over their predecessors in terms of performance, features, and technology. So, if the iPhone 14 is released after the iPhone 13, it is likely to offer some advancements compared to the iPhone 13. Which is better iPhone 13 or 14? It depends on your specific … Read more

5 Interesting things about iPhone camera:
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5 Interesting things about iPhone camera:

5 Interesting things about iPhone camera: Here are five interesting aspects about the iPhone camera: Advanced Computational Photography: iPhones use sophisticated computational photography techniques to enhance image quality. This includes features like Smart HDR, Night Mode, and Deep Fusion, which leverage machine learning algorithms to optimize exposure, detail, and noise reduction in photos. Portrait mode … Read more

How to create a Gmail account?
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How to create a Gmail account?

How to create a Gmail account : Following these steps to create a Gmail account: Open your browser and visit the Gmail website. Click the “Create Account” button. Fill out the registration form with your first and last name. Choose a unique username for your Gmail address. If your desired username is taken, Gmail will … Read more

How to download Instagram reels?
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How to download Instagram reels?

Downloading Instagram Reels without permission is against Instagram’s policies and may violate copyright laws. It is important to respect the rights and privacy of content. If you want to save the Reel, consider reaching out to the creator and asking for permission or explore other ways to collaborate or share content within the platform’s guidelines. … Read more

Who made the first Android phone?
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Who made the first Android phone?

The first Android phone was the HTC Dream, also known as the T-Mobile G1. The HTC Dream was the first commercial smartphone running the Android operating system, developed by Android Inc., a company founded by Andy Rubin, Rich. Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. Google acquired Android Inc. in 2005. Android was acquired by Google … Read more

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