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What is the full form of LED?
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What is the full form of LED?

What is the full form of LED: The full name of LED is “Light Emitting Diode”. It is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current flows through it. LEDs are commonly used in various applications such as lighting, displays, indicators and more due to their efficiency and longevity. What is the full … Read more

What is a web browser?
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What is a web browser?

What is a web browser: A web browser is a software application that allows users to access websites on the Internet. It translates the code of web pages into a visual format, allowing users to easily interact by displaying text, images, video, and other multimedia content. Imagine that the Internet is like a big library … Read more

What is RAM and ROM?
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What is RAM and ROM?

What is RAM and ROM: RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory) are both types of computer memory, but they serve different purposes and have different characteristics: RAM (Random Access Memory): RAM is a type of volatile memory used to store data and programs that are actively being used or processed by the computer. … Read more

Which is better ryzen or intel?
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Which is better ryzen or intel?

Which is better ryzen or intel: Intel: Speedy Gaming Sidekick: Intel processors are known for their strong single-core performance, making them great for gaming where raw speed matters. Familiarity and Compatibility: Intel has been around for centuries, so there is a wide range of motherboards and other components that work seamlessly with Intel CPUs. Integrated … Read more

What is microprocessor?
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What is microprocessor?

What is microprocessor: Think of a Microprocessor as the brain of a computer. Do you know how your brain helps you think, remember things, and control your body? Well, a microprocessor does something similar for a computer. It is a small but extremely powerful part inside the computer that helps it perform all kinds of … Read more

What is a speaker?
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What is a speaker?

What is a speaker: A speaker is a device that converts electrical signals into sound waves, allowing the reproduction of audio recordings, speech, music or any other sound material. Here’s an explanation of what a speaker is, in points: Driver: The main component responsible for producing sound. It usually consists of a diaphragm (cone or … Read more

How to delete Chrome history?
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How to delete Chrome history?

How to delete Chrome history: To delete your browsing history in Google Chrome, you can follow these steps: Open Google Chrome on your computer. Click the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. This will open a drop-down menu. Hover your cursor over “History” in the drop-down menu. Another menu will … Read more

Who invented the camera?
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Who invented the camera?

Who invented the camera: We are talking about the invention of the precursor to the Modern camera, we can give credit to various individuals who contributed to its development. One of the oldest devices resembling a camera was the camera obscura, used by ancient Chinese and Greek philosophers. The first practical photographic process was developed … Read more

What is a digital watch?
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What is a digital watch?

What is a digital watch: A digital watch is a timekeeping device that displays time in digital format, usually using numbers to represent hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds. Unlike traditional analog watches, which use hands to indicate the time on a circular dial, digital watches use electronic displays, often LED (light emitting diode) or LCD … Read more

How to turn on keyboard light?
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How to turn on keyboard light?

How to turn on keyboard light: Find the keyboard backlight control: Look for a designated key on your keyboard that resembles a sun or has a lightbulb icon. It is usually located in the function key row or near the top of the keyboard. Press and hold the backlight key: Press and hold the specified … Read more

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